- Marshall BioResources - International breeder for biomedical research

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Our mission is to be the premier source of animal models and related services for the preclinical research and development of human medicines, vaccines, medical devices, and other therapies, as well as for the clinical research and development of companion animal pharmaceuticals.

For over 80 years our animals have contributed to the development of life saving therapies and treatments for humans and animals alike. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of health and quality, and AAALAC accreditation serves to enhance our top commitment to animal care and welfare. Our rigorous quality management system for all of our global Marshall Beagle ® facilities is certified to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

Ferrets were critical to the development of Monulparivir, an antiviral drug that stops the spread of coronavirus. This new drug could be a vital tool…   read more →

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