- G7-75 Years Marshall Plan YTLI

Description: The Young Transatlantic Leaders Initiative is committed to uphold the transatlantic network of the future and to contribute to a further exchange of thoughts between students and young professionals across Germany, the U.S. and the UK in honor of George C. Marshall’s initiative.

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The G7-75 Years Marshall Plan Young Transatlantic Leaders Initiative The address of George Marshall at Harvard University’s commencement ceremony in 1947 laid the foundation that has allowed generations to grow up in peace and prosperity. In recent years, however, we have learned that for the relationship to remain strong, it needs to be tended to across all levels of society. 

To deepen this commitment and the mutual exchange, a group of young leaders from Germany, the U.S. and the UK came together to advocate for an anniversary celebration of the Marshall Plan at the side-lines of the G7 summit, taking place at Schloss Elmau near Munich from 26 to 28 June 2022. 

This G7 summit and the anniversary in the same month constituted the ideal occasion