- Market Design

Example domain paragraphs

I'll post market design related news and items about repugnant markets .See also my Game theory, experimental economics, and market design page . I have a general-interest book on market design: Who Gets What--and Why The subtitle is "The new economics of matchmaking and market design."

 Here's a report on a kidney from a genetically engineered pig, that was transplanted into a brain dead patient maintained on a ventilator, and which functioned successfully for seven days.  I'm beginning to think it's possible that xenotransplants of pig kidneys may be available for living patients in my lifetime.

Locke JE, Kumar V, Anderson D, Porrett PM. Normal Graft Function After Pig-to-Human Kidney Xenotransplant . JAMA Surg. Published online August 16, 2023. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2023.2774

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