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I coined the term “Afrofuturism.” I popularized “ culture jamming .” I’ve written four books: Escape Velocity , a critique of the “libertarian bro” ideology that dominated the Digital Revolution of the ’90s and still shapes the politics of Silicon Valley kingpins; two studies of American mythologies (and pathologies), The Pyrotechnic Insanitarium: American Culture on the Brink and the essay collection I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts ; and, most recently, a biography, Born To Be Posthumous: The Eccentric Life

In addition to writing books and essays, I run an editorial consultancy . Working with writers in every nonfiction genre–literary journalism, narrative nonfiction, memoir, biography, the personal essay, opinion writing–and at every stage in their careers, I help them take their work to the next level.

The writer and illustrator Edward Gorey, who died in 2000 at 75, was the unequaled master of gothic whimsy, camp-macabre melodrama, and morbid nonsense. His obsessively crosshatched, amusingly lugubrious little worlds, conjured up with pen, ink, and Victorian-Surrealist verse, have influenced the novels of Lemony Snicket and Ransom Riggs, the movies of Tim Burton and Guillermo Del Toro, the fashion of Anna Sui, and the graphic novels of Alison Bechdel, among others. Based on newly uncovered correspondence a

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