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Home About Contact The Real Outside Agitators For the last several months, the mayor , chief of police, state attorney general and local media have been at pains to paint the struggle to Stop Cop City as one comprised primarily of so-called “outside agitators”. A classic ploy of reactionaries seeking to maintain their power , the outside agitators narrative is meant to muddy the reality of intense local opposition to Cop City, as seen in both virtual and in-person public comment at council meetings, as well

In arguably the most definitive example of this genre when it comes to Cop City , the AJC’s chief in-house purveyor of nonsense not only called protestors “privileged, transient warriors”, but also decided to engage in a bit of bean counting, noting that of “a total of 48 people have been arrested…five were Georgians and three were Black”. [1] But for some reason, Bill Torpy and other Cop City apologists haven’t decided to apply that same logic to those who are responsible for forcing Cop City on us all in

With the help of my graduate student Ryan Pardue, we used a combination of publicly accessible property ownership records, voter registration data and online directory information to identify and map where the people responsible for Cop City actually live. Surprise, surprise! It isn’t anywhere close to the site in unincorporated south DeKalb where they’re proposing ( and have already begun ) to tear down hundreds of acres of forest in order to build a playground for the police. That is, the countless points

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