- ManicScribbler

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I always say reading shouldn't be a passive occupation.  A good writer, and/or a good story is one that nudges those cogs in the brain into life and makes them do a bit of extra work. That's why I like Mary Patterson Thornburg so much.  She's a modern American author whose stories always give my brain a good workout. Her latest story is an absolute treasure.  Take a look first at the clever cover:

What does it lead you to expect?  I'll be surprised if you get it in one.  Would you say it's a story about race?  About personal struggles?  About romantic love?  About trust and friendship? A story set in the past, present or future? Would you be surprised if I said it's about all of those - yes, even the last?

Luke Blackmon's Rose is one of those stories that refuses to be confined to one particular genre, and that's its beauty.  And it's about all those things and so much more.  I wanted to share my review of it by way of recommending it to you as a seriously good read.  Needless to say, it earned five well deserved stars.