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Description: ESL and PBLA resources for ESL teachers.

esl (678) binder (161) linc (23) clb (17) stage one (11) rubrics (10) stage two (2) pbla portfolio based learning assessment canadian language benchmarks

Example domain paragraphs

  Below is an ever-growing list of sites I visit when I am out of ideas, out of time, or just out of steam.   My lesson plan usually starts with pronunciation, followed by language focus (skill building), and finally task/activity (skill using). A little from column A and a little form column B will fix me up in a bind.

I started this site just for me, but then thought other teachers might find it of use as well. If you have comments or suggestions, head over to the   Facebook Page   and drop me a line.  

There are a ton of ESL listening sites on  the web.  Print or copy/paste associated questions and you have an instant listening exercise. Role-plays are good, but require prep - unless you have students create the scenarios as a writing exercise    <-- work smarter NOT harder.