lwvtoledo.org - Home - League of Women Voters of Toledo-Lucas County

Description: The League of Women Voters® is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages the informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

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The anti-democracy issue 1 has been defeated in the polls!  We as citizens/voters still have the right in Ohio to change the Ohio Constitution when we see that the General Assembly is not responsive to us.  The voice of Ohio voters is preserved.

We have to thank the voters of this state for seeing what was actually at stake in this seemingly innocuous issue.  We have to thank the legions of leaguers and other members of good government groups who worked hard to make sure the voters of this state understood what was at stake. The no vote preserves our right to change the constitution with a majority vote and keeps the rules for putting measures on the ballot the same as they have been for over 100 years. It is a win for democracy, a win for voters.

In a democracy our vote should count, it should represent our beliefs, our preferences but gerrymandering silences our voices and makes a mockery of our vote. The defeat of issue 1 is a step toward voter control of the General Assembly when voting does not control who sits in the general assembly, a step toward the preservation of our shared democracy.