lwachowiak.github.io - Lennart Wachowiak

Description: PhD Student at the Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence

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I am a PhD student at King’s College London where I am part of a cohort researching how to make AI safe and trustworthy. In my current project, I am researching how robots can learn to proactively explain their decisions and assist a human in collaborative scenarios. I am building models to predict when explanations are needed and what they should be about by interpreting the human’s social and physiological cues such as eye gaze, facial expressions, or heart rate.

I love interdisciplinary work, learning about different perspectives, and combining them to get a rich understanding of a phenomenon. Beyond designing human–robot experiments, for which I draw on my background in cognitive science and AI, I am researching conceptual metaphors and image schemas in text corpora using tools from natural language processing and theories from cognitive linguistics.

Download my CV .

Links to lwachowiak.github.io (1)