- Luther Land Saxony-Anhalt und Thuringia - Discover Luther Land - ThueCAT

Description: Luther Land in the center of Germany! This is where Martin Luther, the "Father of Reformation" learned, preached, drank and lived ... and translated the Bible into the German language.

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How would you like to stand inside the exact room where the "Father of the Reformation" translated the New Testament into German? Or admire the pulpits from which he preached and taste his favorite beer? Then it's time you visit “LutherLand”, where you can explore Luther's old stomping grounds and trace the Protestant religion back to its roots! 

His longest journey takes Martin Luther to Rome, but in everyday life he was on the move in the towns of "LutherLand". There he fills the churches with his sermons, meets friends, discusses with opponents of the faith and makes visits to monasteries. Numerous tips for excursions into the heart of the Reformation and unknown stories about the most important, authentic places where Martin Luther worked can be discovered in Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia...

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