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The Lucia Light relaxes and dilates a user's central nervous system by shifting brainwave patterns that takes you into a deep dive into your mind's subconscious world. The results have been shown to facilitate a reduction in stress, anxiety and depression, increased mental clarity, and creativity.

The wide-spectrum solid and flickering light enters the body through the closed eyes, travels along your optic nerve and into the central brain (where the pineal gland and thalamus are located). As your cells communicate through impulses of light within the fascia, the light spreads through your body.

The Lucia Light is a tool used to achieve ultimate relaxation and internal transformation. It uses solid and flickering light at varying levels of speed, frequency, brightness and intensity. Light spreads throughout a user's body while cells communicate through impulses of light. As a user moves deeper into the experience, a meditative state and deep relaxation are activated. So sit back, close your eyes, and melt into a world of magic and wonder.