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EMDR, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, is an established treatment for PTSD and other mental health issues like depression. It is used worldwide by therapists who specialize in the treatment. It has a proven track record, including dozens of clinical trials and research studies. It is also listed as an effective therapy by the World Health Organization and by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The underlying theory behind EMDR is that trauma isn’t properly processed in the brain when it happens. This is why we often have nightmares, flashbacks and other symptoms that remind us of the traumatic event long after it happened. EMDR aims to “reprocess” these disturbing memories so you can move on from them.

During a session, your therapist will guide you through a series of bilateral (side-to-side) eye movements as you recall traumatic or triggering experiences in small segments until they no longer cause distress. While EMDR was originally developed to treat PTSD, it can help relieve the symptoms of other mental health concerns, especially those that are intertwined with trauma, like depression or anxiety. It tends to be faster and less stressful than other forms of therapy.

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