- Love, the driving force: a journey of discernment – Chronicling my formation with the Loretto Sisters (IBVM)

Description: Chronicling my formation with the Loretto Sisters (IBVM)

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Chronicling my formation with the Loretto Sisters (IBVM)

I am waaaaaay overdue for a proper blog post but I’m just not ready yet to write anything particularly reflective. As I’m sure has been the case for most people, my focus for the past few months has been survival. Coping with the never-ending lockdown in Toronto, finishing up my studies, and basically just trying to keep it all together.

Now, mercifully, it seems like life is entering a new stage. The city is slowly beginning to open up as the third wave of the pandemic subsides. I’ve completed my theology studies and am now preparing to begin full-time ministry as the next phase of my formation as a Loretto Sister. There is much that I could write about each of these things but just not yet.