lostpapyr.us - Lost Papyrus - Tabletop Games, Technology, and Mental Health

Description: Tabletop Games, Technology, and Mental Health

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Tabletop Games and Technology

Here are some new Game Master Characters (GMCs) for your Feng Shui 2. Despite the title, Mook Monday is not just mooks. We will cover a variety of featured foes and bosses as well. In keeping with this week’s urban jungle theme, we have some urban trouble makers to challenge your players.

Oh no, the local sportsball team lost. Or these days, maybe the team won. Perhaps the crowd was just manipulated by propaganda or foul sorcery. In any case, the streets are filled with drunken rioters who will probably feel ashamed of their behavior in the morning. The characters will want to use discretion and non-lethal force against these guys, as they go after the bad guys who started the riot in the first place. Because they are drunk and not warriors, these nooks have a lower defense than normal. Dama