lostcitycolombia.com - Lost city trek Colombia from Santa Marta - Ciudad Perdida hike

Description: The lost city trek is one of the main marvels of Colombia, you can enjoy this place in a ciudad perdida hike that spend minimun 4 days walking in a trek from Santa Marta.

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The Lost City or Ciudad Perdida is one of the main marvels of Colombia, located in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and close to the beautiful city of the same name. The only way of reaching this settlement is through a 4 days trekking or by helicopter. First excursions to Ciudad Perdida, where made few years after its discovery became public due to the multiple conflicts that the area was facing, because of the illegal excavations in search of the hidden treasures of the Tayrona culture.

Nowadays excavations in this area are prohibited, in order to guarantee the conservation and preservation of the archaeological area and Sierra Nevada was declared a Biosphere Reserve by the UNESCO in 1979.

Currently four different indigenous communities (Kogui, Wiwa, Arhuaco and Kankuamo) still inhabit in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta preserving its culture, dialect and traditions.

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