loriemerson.net - loriemerson – dot net

Description: After being in the English Department at CU Boulder for 14 years, I am now an Associate Professor in the Media Studies Department. I am also Director of the Intermedia Art, Writing, and Performance Program and Founding Director of the Media Archaeology Lab. I co-authored (with Darren Wershler and Jussi Parikka) The Lab Book: Situated…

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After being in the English Department at CU Boulder for 14 years, starting August 2023 I will be an Associate Professor in the Media Studies Department . I am also Director of the Intermedia Art, Writing, and Performance Program at the University of Colorado at Boulder and Founding Director of the Media Archaeology Lab . I co-authored (with Darren Wershler and Jussi Parikka) The Lab Book: Situated Practices in Media Studies , authored Reading Writing Interfaces , and co-edited three collections. My research

Right now I am working on a cluster of projects called “ Other Networks .” These projects uncover, document, and archive networks that existed before and outside of the internet; they also look at how these networks shaped and determined artist and writer experiments on these same networks. “Other Networks” includes a book, titled The Wire , on the Canadian timesharing network IPSAnet and how the three undersea cables the network ran on shaped the artist networks it hosted; another book, titled Slow Network

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