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The question that baffles everyone — should you get a console or build a PC? It all depends on your tastes and needs. Do you like to sit in front of a TV with friends and play video games, or to play games competitively, be able to do other stuff like work and surf the web? Let’s get into it!

If you were thinking about getting into gaming, you probably asked yourself what’s better — a PC or a console. Well, you’re not the only one that has that question. If you aren’t in the loop, it’s actually a huge debate that has been going on for a while now. And we still can’t seem to find an answer. That is mostly because the tech keeps advancing to where one or the other has an edge here and there, whether it be better software, hardware, or accessibility and its features. 

On older consoles, you couldn’t do much besides play games. That is what they were originally made for, after all. But, now everyone wants everything to be able to do everything, including gaming, browsing the web, or even doing small work. Well, in simple terms, everything can actually do almost everything nowadays. 

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