longlakemusic.com - Long Lake Music | 3671 Ross Road, Nanaimo, BC

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After many years with a full teaching studio and successful performing career in Vancouver, Donna Falconer relocated her studio to Nanaimo. She holds a Master’s Degree in piano from UBC, LTCL (Performers) in piano, and ARCT (Performers) in piano and voice. As a member of the College of Examiners with the Royal Conservatory (RCM), Donna examines piano and voice all over North America. She was on faculty as a pianist and vocal coach at UBC and the Vancouver Academy of Music for many years. Before moving to Br

Donna’s teaching style strikes a balance between traditional piano and vocal instruction, and a modern dose of fun and enthusiasm.  Music lessons can be a wonderful addition to a child’s education or an adult’s continuing learning.  The benefits of music study are well documented and contribute to healthy brain development, gross and fine motor skills, mathematical understanding, and a host of benefits.

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