- The Adventures of Lola Hopscotch – Anti-bullying books for kids

Description: The Adventures of Lola Hopscotch is a children's picture book series focusing on spreading kindness, meant for adults to read with kids in order to foster communication about sensitive social issues from an early age. Book 1: Lola Hopscotch and the First Day of School A heartwarming story about a bashful bunny who is able…

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A Hop, Skip, and a Jump: The Travels of a Mint Green Bunny. The PACER Center is a leader in sharing resources for those who have been either impacted by bullying or bullied themselves. One of the wonderful resources they offer is a book club for books to help kids and their adults communicate about and deal with the sensitive subject of bullying. I know that I … Continue reading Lola Hopscotch and the First Day of School is Featured in the PACER Center’s Bullying Resources Book Club!

Woo-hoo! The weekend is almost here. Good luck with the rest of your work week! Look at this cuteness overload!