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Opening lines: "Hunting monsters in real life wasn't anything like in movies or books."

This is the synopsis for the second book in the Del Toro Tales:  "For four hundred years, generations of the Family Del Toro and their battle-savvy warhorses have secretly guarded their corner of Colorado from all things creepy. But when a menacing woman with some wicked witch powers shows up at the Del Toro ranch and demands the return of the Red Casket, twelve-year-old Matt Del Toro must team up with his best friend Perry—along with the warhorses Rigo and Isabel—to out-wit, out-ride, and out-fight one Vik

Mace and Hammer continues on from there.  Matt, his dad and brother Ben have been hunting Skinners for over a month, despite not even knowing whether any more are lingering about.  Both Matt and his horse, Rigo are becoming slightly bored.  You can't even use a cell phone in such a rural area.  Then they spot fresh tracks leading toward Huerfano and Perry's home, therefore they quickly ride out to try and cut off whatever is heading toward town.  At the same time, they need to stay ever vigilant because the