- Living Lumos

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I am so glad you are here. See those adorable people over there? ===> they are my life! My husband, Nathan, and my amazing kids, Skylar, Zoe, and Gavin. As a family team, we are in constant pursuit of what makes us more like Jesus. Our family mission is to Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples. We endeavor to do that as we go about our daily, work, grocery shopping, you get it. As we are obedient, we discover His blessings for us.

We are committed to stewarding our bodies in ways that glorify God. We believe that how we fuel our bodies (namely the foods we eat) plays a HUGE part in our overall wellness. We also believe that we are called to use our machines (these strange skin-wrapped, muscles, bones, and organs) daily. We are made for more than TV, video games, and sitting around (...although there is enjoyment in those things, too. Balance matters!)

Now, Zoe and I both struggle with autoimmune issues, Skylar tends toward anxiety, I have battled depression for years, Nathan is a recovering perfectionist, and Gavin is a little ADHD. We live in a broken world and will struggle with these types of issues until we are in Glory. But, there are things we can do here, now, that help us: