- Revitalize

Description: Revitalize

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"Finding Kait's classes has changed everything . She is encouraging, kind, and pushes you to be the best you can be. Before I started taking her classes I had little to no motivation to workout and now I look forward to taking her workouts every week." - Devon S.

"Kait's classes have always been my favorite! I always leave drenched and feeling AMAZING! I've definitely noticed my endurance and strength improve a ton after taking her classes. She is also the best hype girl during your workout. BEST INSTRUCTOR OUT THERE!" - Kate O.

From training sessions to yoga, I constantly feel accomplished after working out with Kait. She brings insight from her experiences in athletics, wellness, and mindfulness. Each class is filled with a plan to make you push yourself as hard as you want to go and Kait always makes sure to meet you wherever you might be that day. I highly recommend training with Kait in whatever capacity you can! She is not only a knowledgable instructor but also your #1 supporter in your journey with movement.

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