- LIVEdigitally – Jeremy Toeman's Blog

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Haven’t written a blog post since 2016, which is a near-eternity in the modern era. As much as there was no particular reason I stopped, man is it hard to restart. I’ve literally been wanting to write the entire time, but sitting here typing is a totally different thing. In fact I have no agenda to this post, and am treating it as a stream-of-consciousness.

That said, I have decided that I should feel comfortable putting anything I want on this blog, be it personal journey (hello!), product/technology commentary & opinions, thoughts on product management & strategy, etc. I think one central theme I’d like to write more about is innovation as a mindset. But I’ll also dabble on anything from family/living/social commentary (I pledge to keep as far away from politics as I can). Hope that works out. One of my goals is a high level of transparency, dabbling on over

I do realize how daunting it is to write. Even now I’m not 100% sure I’ll hit the Publish button. Here are some of the concerns I have:

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