- Find the best betting sites with Live Betting Odds

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Live betting odds UK welcomes you to the start of your live betting journey. Learn all about in-play odds and how to locate the best ones, and discover the endless possibilities that come with betting on live games!

Here at, we aim to introduce you to the best sportsbook sites, where you can consult live betting odds and choose the best matches to bet on. If you’d like to learn more about live betting keep reading our guide on this website, but if you simply can’t wait to start betting, click on the links on our page to go directly to our recommended sportsbook websites.

Live betting, or ‘in-play’ betting is the best betting option which is widely available at many online sportsbooks nowadays. This form of betting involves wagering on an event while it is happening. Live betting odds are calculated by means of computer algorithms, but as we know, no program can totally predict who shall win or lose, or the number of unforeseen circumstances that may occur during a game. That’s why, in order to be successful with live betting, you have to watch what’s happening during the ga