- Live Be-Loved

Description: Be-Loved Resources is devoted to keeping believers rooted and grounded in the love of God through which we become more than conquerors, and apart from which we can do nothing. Founded by Joanna Gabriel - Offering Teaching, Preaching, and Writing Resources on topics developed upon request.

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Communion is a visceral preaching of the gospel to ourselves, a way to know and believe the love God has for us by being conscious of and clinging to the body and blood given for us to have life. The more we chew on and drink in the remembrance of Jesus, who can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities, the more His grace and peace is multiplied to us. It is in returning to Him from every warfare, and in resting in His powerful care to raise and keep us that we enjoy the fullness of our Salvation.

At the Tree of Calvary God reconciled us to Himself through Christ. It was there that He dealt with all that would keep us from Him, deprived it of its power, and gave His own life to us in place of all that would have been our sure death. This is love: not that we loved God but that He loved us and while we were still hostile to Him, enemies of God in our mind, Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. His broken body and poured out blood are the tangible elements of the tree that brings us back to the reali

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