- liveandlearnaway | Travel and Teach

Description: Travel and Teach

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Nieto defines culture as “the ever-changing values, traditions, social and political relationships, and worldview created, shared, and transformed by a group of people bound together by a combination of factors that can include a common history, geographic location, language, social class, and religion” (Nieto, 2008, p. 129).  I believe this also can apply to individuals.  As I’ve lived, many of my values, traditions, relationships, etc. have changed.  The most important aspects of my identity are friendshi

In the process of taking this class I came to realize culture reflects all the things on my original mind map and so much more.  For example, friends include multi-racial children, GLBTQ, atheist, Catholic, and Pentecostal.  Many of us are from different socio-economic backgrounds, with varied careers and levels of education.  As a group, we have managed to find common ground and I believe we can also accomplish this with multi-cultural education.  We must find a way to reduce the achievement gap and make l

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