- Little loves of life

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Hello my loves,

Now it has been my dream to be a mum since I was little. Now the reality of mum life is actually much different to the dream I had as a little girl. Don't get me wrong, I didn't think this would be a walk in the park and I knew it would have its ups and downs. This is just a little post to be like "it's okay to miss little things from life pre-baby". I love Barney with everything I have but I've gone from me to mum and it's a whole different level.

Now I think what I'm struggling with is feeling trapped in my house. I'm naturally a messy person, I've tried really hard since Barneys been here to keep on top of it but Barney is just very much a boy that will not be put down. Thankfully this week he's taken to Peppa pig and I never thought a cartoon pig would become a lifeline for me but here I am, a disheveled woman clinging to the parenting skills of a cartoon pig to amuse my son long enough to put a wash on.