- Lisa M.P. Munoz: Women in Science Now

Description: A new book by Lisa M.P. Munoz, Women in Science Now provides both a path toward greater gender equity and an inspiring vision of science and scientists.

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Women in Science Now examines solutions to the persistent gender gap in science, offering new perspectives on how to make STEM fields more equitable and inclusive for all. This book shares stories and insights of women from a range of backgrounds working in various disciplines, illustrating the journeys that brought them to the sciences, the challenges they faced along the way, and the important contributions they have made to their fields. Lisa M. P. Munoz combines these narratives with a wealth of data to

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“This book is an exhilarating antitoxin to the tragic, long term exclusion of women from science. Munoz presents the data and gives us the voices and personal stories of those who inhabit this only recently liberated realm. It makes you feel what a tragic squandering of talent these last couple of millennia have been, and joy, that it finally seems to be ending.”

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