- Liminal Identity - Identity in the in-between

Description: Identity in the in-between

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The max exodus of San Francisco to the week-long annual event in the Nevada desert known as Burning Man  is in progress. Before you leave you might want to learn how to utilize the power of the liminal space created at Burning Man.

This space is potent and if approached with intention, one can tap the wisdom and potential of the collective unconscious. See the end of this blog post for an exercise to take to Burning Man.

During my research in my thesis (2011) I found there to be two categories of liminality. One is a temporal phase such as in a rite of passage and the other is a more permanent state . As a temporal phase, liminality is “diachronic” which means it is “a segment within a span of time, preceded by the segment separation and followed by the segment reintegration ” (Stein, 1983, p. 47). As a permanent state,  liminality is seen as “synchronic”—a layer of the psyche that is always present.