- Light To Lead

Description: We exist as an action-based resource dedicated to inspiring the New Earth. We provide resources, guidance, and coaching to support and encourage you on your journey to discovering and living your soul’s truth.

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Our coaching approach is eclectic, therapeutic, holistic, trauma-informed, body-centered, and intentional. We implement tools, practices, and information, gathered through our education, training, and lived experience, that centers on your goals, needs, and interests.

We are a service and action-based resource dedicated to YOUR SOUL’S REMEMBRANCE. We provide resources, tools, guidance, and coaching to support fellow Beings on the journey to remembering their soul’s essence and living the life their Soul is guiding them towards. Our hope is for every Being to feel safe, and inspired, to remember their authentic SELF, live their TRUTH, and design an aligned life.

An Intuitive Guide and Energy Channeler whose work is focused on self-awareness, mindset, and energy. Charliie’s soul’s mission is to live with purpose.   The work they do as a Guide is to help you rediscover your authentic Self, connect with your inner wisdom, create a life that nourishes you, and live with purpose. They help to guide you back to your inner wisdom, shed identities and stories that no longer serve you, and empower you to create a life you’re excited to wake up to. 

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