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NOTICE: This website crashed and I’m slowly patching it together. Thanks in advance for your patience. If you want to see the site as it was (and that I’m attempting to recreate) you can go to and everything up to April 12, 2023 is there. Anything after that has been lost.

An author’s gotta have a website, right?  This is it.   Not just for authoring, but also for my thoughts on Life, the Universe, and Everything (thanks to Douglas Adams for that phrase).  Plus some public service stuff, as well as a place for author business.

The tabs at the top of the page will get you to all of it [note: when I figure out how to get the tabs up there] .  You won’t want to miss the About page if you’re a bookblogger, literary agent, or publisher.  Please  don’t miss that page, if that’s who you are!

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