- life has purpose.

Description: The Radiance Foundation is passionate about illuminating that every human life--planned or unplanned--has purpose. This campaign shines that truth.

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The strength of our humanity is how we treat the weakest among us. In Massachusetts, the legislature rammed through a radical abortion bill (over a COVID Christmas last year) that legalizes abortion through the entire pregnancy, for any reason. The current law (called the Roe Act) values an abortionists’ profits over parental rights, erasing common sense protections like parental consent for minors 16 and older.

Our goal is to protect every body. The abortion industry’s goal is to exploit every body.

The abortion industry profits from fear. They take girls and women, at their most vulnerable, and pretend they’re empowering them by telling mothers their biology is their enemy…that an unplanned pregnancy will end their lives…that they’re all alone. In the Bay State, Planned Parenthood committed 55% or 10,226 abortions in the last reported year. Nationwide, Planned Parenthood is the leading abortion chain in America and brings in over $2 billion in revenue. Abortion is their moneymaker, and they spend mill