- LibrEDA

Description: Official website of the LibrEDA project.

open-source (4413) electronic (2838) framework (804) libre (545) eda (162) vlsi (28) chip design (7) libreda (1) libre eda (1) foss eda (1)

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Libre Electronic Design Automation

LibrEDA is a young libre-software framework for the physical design of silicon chips and tries to simplify the development of place and route tools. A strong motivation is democratization of silicon technology by making ASIC toolchains easily accessible for research, education and hobbyists.

Today's society and especially the internet stand on integrated electronic circuits. Practically all chips that run the internet today are proprietary and closed-source pieces of hardware. This is a problem for transparency, trust, security and digital sovereignty. To build open-source alternatives it is important to have open-source Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software. Since the underlying optimization problems are not only computationally complex but also complicated it is necessary to create a co