lgfit.tv - Linda Gastaldello

Description: Linda Gastaldello method is a fully integrated Mindbody Sculpt program for moms and women who want age well. Look good and last forever while having fun and optimizing time with Linda's Mindbody Sculpt workouts .

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Il Mindbody Sculpt di Linda Gastaldello e' un metodo di allenamento integrale che combina l'efficacia di SCULPT e CARDIO con il FLOW liberatorio dello yoga per permetterti di massimizzare velocemente i risultati psicofisici desiderati, portando equilibrio dove c'e' squilibrio nel corpo e nella mente. Linda Gastaldello's Mindbody Sculpt is an integral training method that combines the effectiveness of SCULPT and CARDIO with the liberating FLOW of yoga to allow you to quickly maximize the desired psychophysic

A new program every week to keep you motivated and to track your progress.

Total sculpt for body and relax your mind with over 100 classes for every level.

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