leveragedancetheater.org - Leverage Dance Theater

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St. Louis, MO – Leverage Dance Theater is celebrating its 10th season as a local modern dance company. The company opens its anniversary season with “River of Time”, an evening length concert May 12-14 at Intersect Arts Center. The show reflects on the company’s 10 years, where the artists have been, what they have learned, and where they hope to go.

Although Leverage is only turning 10, its roots belong to one of the oldest professional contemporary dance institutions still operating in St. Louis. Originally founded in 1989 as the performing duo of dancers/choreographers Angela Culbertson and Terry Pexton, the company officially incorporated in 1992 as aTrek Educational Corporation. In its long history, it has gone by Atrek Dance Company, aTrek Contemporary Dance and guided by the artistic directorship of Diana Barrios, since 2006, aTrek Dance Collecti

“What we believe stands out at this point in our history is our legacy of innovation and inspiring the next generation of dance artists,” artistic director Diana Barrios says. “Currently we have two dancers – Paige and Morgan Van Nest – who have been training with Leverage artists since they were 10 years old dancing with the company. And this concert features the work of two choreographers that have been working with the company for 10 years.”  This is what Leverage is about - building relationships that s