lesbergesdelapetiteglane.ch - En Construction - Les Berges de la Petite Glâne

Description: Régie Immosol SA offers real estate properties and services. Find all our offers for sale and/or for rent.

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0 CHF CHF EUR USD GBP en fr de en it × Magnificent neighborhood in St-Aubin Mixte, shops and apartments To the Project The project http://www.lesbergesdelapetiteglane.ch/fr Quiet in the heart of the new district that will come to life in St-Aubin, 10 minutes from Payerne, with buildings combining local activities and housing, this new promotion of 2.5 rooms to 4.5 rooms, with balcony or garden, and superb commercial arcades and administrative area, will offer its future residents an exceptional living envir

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