lenabloch.com - Lena Bloch – Saxophonist, Composer, Educator

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RUSSIAN POETRY REIMAGINED IN CONTEMPORARY JAZZ – this is a video our Brooklyn concert, with very good sound and visuals. Marina Tsvetaeva in my own English translations, 7 poems for voice and jazz quartet, sung by the great Kyoko Kitamura . Hope you like the program!

Tsvetaeva and jazz??… Image by Irina Dmitrienko

Great poems are very difficult to put to music, because poetry is already music. So my suite is not “music to Tsvetaeva’s poems,” but rather an act of perception of her poetry, a perception by improvisation, a collective perception. An attempt to intuitively understand her poems, which I chose for this project. And the most interesting thing is how our feelings and our perception will unite in the process of collective music-making, how we, five human personalities, will create a single work as a dedication

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