leasingninja.io - LeasingNinja — LeasingNinja

Description: An example how to implement Domain-Driven Design

Example domain paragraphs

You want to know how to apply and implement Domain-Driven Design? You’re looking for a real world example? Great, you’ve found it! The idea of the LeasingNinja is to have one domain that is small enough to be grasped easily and big enough to show the different DDD 1 concepts in a real world end-to-end example.

WARNING: The LeasingNinja is currently in a state of early alpha. I still hope it can already be of some help.

There will be different incarnations (i.e. implementations) of the LeasingNinja to show the pros and cons of different styles and solutions. By always using the same domain the details of the various incarnations can be compared easily. Each incarnation is a combination of styles.

Links to leasingninja.io (1)