learningfromthebest.eu - LEARNING FROM THE BEST - Francisco Alcaide

Description: LEARNIG FROM THE BEST - Francisco Alcaide. Tu capacidad de aprender es tu principal activo, y la mejor forma de aprender es de 'los mejores'

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Your personal development is your destiny: who you become is ultimately reflected in what you achieve. Nothing changes if you don’t change. Nothing improves if you don’t improve. Therefore, there is no more profitable investment than investing in yourself. What is the best way to do this? Learning from the best ; drawing lessons from those who have already reached the heights that you would like to reach. Success leaves tracks and clues, and people able to identify these tracks and clues have more chance of

This book outlines the keys to success from more than  fifty international personalities  through more than  five hundred tips and reflections;  each one was carefully selected and rigorously analyzed for coherence and meaning by Francisco Alcaide. These reflections focus on five main areas: personal development, entrepreneurship, leadership, financial freedom, and spirituality. Learning from the Best is the result of more than twenty years of in-depth study of people who have achieved extraordinary results

«Money is not the most important thing in life, but it does affect everything that is important»

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