learning3d.github.io - Learning for 3D Vision

Example domain paragraphs

Any autonomous agent we develop must perceive and act in a 3D world. The ability to infer, model, and utilize 3D representations is therefore of central importance in AI, with applications ranging from robotic manipulation and self-driving to virtual reality and image manipulation. While 3D understanding has been a longstanding goal in computer vision, it has witnessed several impressive advances due to the rapid recent progress in (deep) learning techniques. The goal of this course is to explore this confl

The course will be lecture-based, and the grades will primarily be determined by assignments and a final project. The course will require as background good coding skills, and an understanding of basics in Computer Vision (e.g. image formation, ray optics) and Machine Learning (e.g. optimization, neural networks). Course Staff Please use the course Piazza page for all communication with course staff

The course will be lecture-based, and the grades will primarily be determined by assignments and a final project. The course will require as background good coding skills, and an understanding of basics in Computer Vision (e.g. image formation, ray optics) and Machine Learning (e.g. optimization, neural networks). Course Staff Please use the course Piazza page for all communication with course staff. See this office hour schedule for in-person meetings.

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