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Description: What is this Powershell of which you speak?

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Something that I had noticed a while back that I would receive some output values in my objects that shouldn’t have been there. Properties that should have been Null had values in them, and not just random values, but values that matched some of the other outputted objects. This was somewhat worrisome because I didn’t want my project, PoshRSJob, to have this same problem (which it did have). Duplicating the issue was simple, and actually fixing ended up being simple but it wasn’t something that immediately

The solution to this also shows that sometimes the simplest of fixes can solve the more annoying or complex problems as well as showing that sometimes it is ok to take a little time away from an issue (as long as it isn’t critical to something) and coming back to it can help refresh your mind so you can come back more focused on the issue.

My demo code below will run a simple script block and outputs an object with a few properties that show the pipeline number (basically just something to supply as an outside variable into the scriptblock), the ThreadID so I know that the runspacepool is behaving by reusing the existing runspaces and lastly a boolean value that is probably the most important value in that it shows whether the pipeline value (the first item in our object) is either an odd or even number. If it isn’t an odd number, then it sho

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