leadngin.com - Grow Beyond Referrals

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Tap into our connected intelligence from over 500,000 practitioners and experts in Machine Learning and Data Science to derive valuable business insights. Understand your audience’s behaviors and buying patterns, from the past to the present. Use our insights to create thought leadership content, adapt your strategies, and drive sustainable growth.

At Bend.ai, our content generation process is rooted in panel research—it’s affordable, fast, and insightful. We address your unique questions and topics, offering representative market insights from our panel of 500k experts in Machine Learning, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence. Leverage our omnibus research, a cost-efficient method of gathering data from a diverse group of respondents. This shared-cost, multi-client approach enables companies to add their own questions to a monthly Bend.ai survey

Bend.ai Panel starts at $849 a month for access to our AI/ML and Data Science expert panel. Our monthly Omnibus survey is scientifically designed and represents a stratified sample of audiences across various geographical locations, market sub-segments, and job functions.