- L.C. Bray

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L.C. Bray L.C. Bray L.C. Bray L.C. Bray Author . Publisher . Writer. Author . Publisher . Writer. Author . Publisher . Writer. Author . Publisher . Writer. Contact Me Author . Publisher . Writer. Author . Publisher . Writer. Author . Publisher . Writer. Author . Publisher . Writer. Contact Me Hi There Welcome to my website. I've been thinking about what to write in this space. It has to be smart, thoughtful, and captivating. I am a writer after all. I can't have you read this short description thinking, "hu

Like any writer, before I write this amazing introduction that will clearly make you feel confident in my  ability, I'm going to make a cup of tea, fold the laundry, paint one wall of my bedroom  "Admiral Blue"... or should it be "Agreeable Gray," no definitely "Admirable Blue," research the best free pilates video and contemplate doing it sometime in the next year, and then I'll have the best idea for what to write in this little section.

Articles ranging from breaking news to restaurants reviews covering all things newsworthy in Santa Barbara, CA.