- LB3HC's engineering blog – Amateur radio, RF design, electronics, embedded systems, software development, Arduino, AVR, SDR, Ant

Example domain paragraphs

Found this nice overview online. However the author seems to have the source and loads flipped so I took the liberty to do an edit.

FT8 is unfortunately impacting amateur radio negatively. CW and SSB activity goes down and the modes that require serious skills to operate are not practiced. FT8 can today run fully automated QSOs. However FT8 is interesting from a technical view. Advanced techniques such as FFT, correlation, 7×7 Costas matrixes are used to synchronize, error correct and decode data. Here is an interesting presentation that gives you a lot of the the technical details. (Reference / Full credit to WB2FKO Mike Hasselbeck)

If you have a smart home with a geothermal well feeding a heatpump from IVT or some of the other suppliers, the chance is good that Husdata has a IoT device for it so you can monitor your heating system in your smart home system.