- Laws of the Universe – LIVE LIFE NATURALLY!

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There are people who have good sense of focus and concentration. They have the ability to stabilize their mind no matter what kind of environment they are into. However, there are also people who seem to be always disturbed. They can hardly concentrate, thus, affecting their judgment and quality of work. Meditation is a good Read More

Optimistic or pessimistic thoughts and feelings, noises, the things you see ñ everything around you, may it be distraction or not should be received as you do mindfulness meditation. You are not to exclude anything with this type of meditation; all you need to do is sit down in peace and perceive any past or Read More

Each human being is a masterpiece, a source of limitless energy and potential. Within each person, there is a vast well of power, knowledge, and life. Each is created with a mind and a soul that instinctively rises above to meet the infinite boundaries of being. The quest for happiness, for success, and for a Read More

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