- Start Here - Gemmotherapy with Lauren Hubele

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Finding a solution to resolve the dis-ease and discomfort can be all-consuming. I get it. I cannot tell you the number of clients I have seen and heard from who have tried all the things to no avail and then they find their way to Gemmotherapy. What is it that calls them in?

Whether conventional or natural, it is the approach to healing that matters. In our Western culture, we are accustomed to reductive medicine, and it simply isn’t working. Isn’t it time to take a step back and see the larger picture?

Whether your symptoms are in your digestive or respiratory system, all healing begins with your nervous system. The nervous system is command central. To initiate effective healing responses, you need effective communication with all of your organ systems. If this is new for you, please peruse either (or both!) of the resources below before you go any further. They’re a helpful introduction to what comes next.

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