- Laura Ward | Mindset Mentor and Habit Change Coach – addiction recovery and life coaching by laura ward avon connecticut

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My biggest fear when I quit drinking was not having any idea who I was and feeling like I might never know. But, when I stopped drowning myself and hiding behind my secret life, the cloud lifted and I found the clarity and freedom that helped me step into my power, realize my worth, and begin living a joyful, intentional, healthy, purposeful life. The same can happen for you. I can help.

I spent more than 12 years self-medicating a back injury – first with pills and then with alcohol. By 2013, my life had become unmanageable. It wasn’t just what the booze was doing to me; I simply felt unworthy. And, even when I achieved success (whether personal or professional), I convinced myself I didn’t deserve it or hadn’t worked hard enough for it.

It was no way to live; in fact, I wasn’t living. I finally gave myself permission for a do-over. Because we only get this one life.

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