- Tales From The Track

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May 4, 2010 ride report – Thunderhill

It’s been a long, long time. 5 more days and it would have been a full calendar year since the last track day. Am I complaining? Yes, and no. Yes because it is such incredible fun to be in a controlled environment to do what I enjoy and see old friends and acquaintances, and I’ve missed this. No because I’m grateful this happened at all considering how many people are unemployed and with nowhere to live – those folks have much more to legitimately “dislike”, and I feel for all that have fallen into such a s

Some months prior to this date, Dale and Kevin (via Kevin) notified me that they’d selected an event to attend. Two back-to-back days of riding with K@TT/Keigwins At The Track. I had a similar desire to attend both days but as life marched on, it became evident that only one day would happen, and even the prospects of that one became sketchy at times. Finances were a concern, time off was a concern, and transportation was a concern since I don’t have my Nissan Frontier anymore. I’d planned to add a trailer