- Staking Facilities - Web 3.0 Infrastructure & Services

Description: We operate enterprise-grade, highly secure infrastructure and offer non-custodial staking services for Proof-of-Stake blockchains.

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The security of our customers' stake is of utmost importance to us. Through redundant infrastructure and connectivity, failover systems, 24/7 monitoring, as well as colocations at top-tier data-centers, we provide outstanding standards of security.

We provide a custom staking framework for a variety of clients and offer state-of-the-art reporting. We actively shape the legal framework for the blockchain ecosystem in Germany, and Europe through our membership in the European Blockchain Association.

We put our money where our mouth is! We are customers of our services and stake a substantial amount of our own tokens on our validators. This guarantees that our incentives are best aligned with those of our customers.