- Lantern Burn 燃燈焱 – Lantern Burn October 7th-10th 2023!

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In the spirit and tradition of building something out of nothing, the Taiwan Burner community has a Discord Server where conversations and discussions take place between our face to face meetings. To join in the conversation please click HERE . 秉持「從無到有」的精神和傳統,台灣 Burner 社群設有 Discord 伺服器,供我們在面對面會議之外進行交談和討論。若想參與對話, 請點擊此處加入伺服器 。

The Theme Camp Form is now closed. We’re excited to announce that we have 12 registered Theme Camps for this year. If you missed out, don’t panic! There will still be a good amount of space in the individual camping area where you can set up a tent next to your friends and still make it glamourous. Also, If you are curious about theme camps and think you might want to join one then let us know at [email protected] and we’ll put you in touch with the camp leader in charge. Read and learn more abo

主題營區登記表格現已關閉。我們很高興今年活動中有 12 個主題營區共襄盛舉!如果你錯過了,不要驚慌!露營區還有很大的空間,可以和朋友搭起帳篷,妝點布置、自成一格。若您對主題營區真的非常感興趣、且認為您可能想成為其中一員,請盡速聯繫我們,寫信至 [email protected] ,我們將讓您與營區負責人聯繫上。快到主題營區頁面認識今年參與燃燈焱的主題營區吧!

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